Source code for numpyro.contrib.einstein.stein_kernels

# Copyright Contributors to the Pyro project.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from import Callable

import numpy as np

from jax import random
from jax.lax import stop_gradient
import jax.numpy as jnp
import jax.scipy.linalg
import jax.scipy.stats

from numpyro.contrib.einstein.stein_util import median_bandwidth
from numpyro.distributions import biject_to
from numpyro.infer.autoguide import AutoNormal

class SteinKernel(ABC):
    def mode(self):
        Returns the type of kernel, either 'norm' or 'vector' or 'matrix'.
        raise NotImplementedError

    def compute(
        particles: jnp.ndarray,
        particle_info: dict[str, tuple[int, int]],
        loss_fn: Callable[[jnp.ndarray], float],
        """Computes the kernel function given the input Stein particles

        :param particles: The Stein particles to compute the kernel from
        :param particle_info: A mapping from parameter names to the position in the
            particle matrix
        :param loss_fn: Loss function given particles
        :return: The kernel_fn to compute kernel for pair of particles.
            Modes: norm `(d,) (d,)-> ()`, vector `(d,) (d,) -> (d)`, or matrix
            `(d,) (d,) -> (d,d)`
        raise NotImplementedError

    def init(self, rng_key, particles_shape):
        Initializes the kernel
        :param rng_key: a JAX PRNGKey to initialize the kernel
        :param tuple particles_shape: shape of the input `particles` in :meth:`compute`

[docs] class RBFKernel(SteinKernel): """Calculates the Gaussian RBF kernel function used in [1]. The kernel is given by :math:`k(x,y) = \\exp(\\frac{-1}{h} \\|x-y\\|^2)`, where the bandwidth :math:`h` is computed using the median heuristic :math:`h = \\frac{1}{\\log(m)} \\text{med}(\\|x-y\\|)`. In the above :math:`m` is the number of particles. :param str mode: Either 'norm' (default) specifying to take the norm of each particle, 'vector' to return a component-wise kernel or 'matrix' to return a matrix-valued kernel :param str matrix_mode: Either 'norm_diag' (default) for diagonal filled with the norm kernel or 'vector_diag' for diagonal of vector-valued kernel :param bandwidth_factor: A multiplier to the bandwidth based on data size n (default 1/log(n)) **References:** 1. Liu, Qiang, and Dilin Wang. "Stein Variational Gradient Descent: A General Purpose Bayesian Inference Algorithm." Advances in neural information processing systems 29 (2016). """ def __init__( self, mode="norm", matrix_mode="norm_diag", bandwidth_factor: Callable[[float], float] = lambda n: 1 / jnp.log(n), ): assert mode == "norm" or mode == "vector" or mode == "matrix" assert matrix_mode == "norm_diag" or matrix_mode == "vector_diag" self._mode = mode self.matrix_mode = matrix_mode self.bandwidth_factor = bandwidth_factor def _normed(self): return self._mode == "norm" or ( self.mode == "matrix" and self.matrix_mode == "norm_diag" ) def compute(self, rng_key, particles, particle_info, loss_fn): bandwidth = median_bandwidth(particles, self.bandwidth_factor) def kernel(x, y): reduce = jnp.sum if self._normed() else lambda x: x kernel_res = jnp.exp(-reduce((x - y) ** 2) / stop_gradient(bandwidth)) if self._mode == "matrix": if self.matrix_mode == "norm_diag": return kernel_res * jnp.identity(x.shape[0]) else: return jnp.diag(kernel_res) else: return kernel_res return kernel @property def mode(self): return self._mode
class IMQKernel(SteinKernel): """Calculates the IMQ kernel from Theorem 8 of [1]. The kernel is given by :math:`k(x,y) = (c^2 + \\|x-y\\|^2_2)^{\\beta},` where :math:`c\\in \\mathcal\\{R\\}` and :math:`\\beta \\in (-1,0)`. :param str mode: Either 'norm' (default) specifying to take the norm of each particle, or 'vector' to return a component-wise kernel :param float const: Positive multi-quadratic constant (c) :param float expon: Inverse exponent (beta) between (-1, 0) **References:** 1. Gorham, Jackson, and Lester Mackey. "Measuring Sample Quality with Kernels." International Conference on Machine Learning. PMLR, 2017. """ def __init__(self, mode="norm", const=1.0, expon=-0.5): assert mode == "norm" or mode == "vector" assert 0.0 < const assert -1.0 < expon < 0.0 self._mode = mode self.const = const self.expon = expon @property def mode(self): return self._mode def _normed(self): return self._mode == "norm" def compute(self, rng_key, particles, particle_info, loss_fn): def kernel(x, y): reduce = jnp.sum if self._normed() else lambda x: x return (self.const**2 + reduce((x - y) ** 2)) ** self.expon return kernel
[docs] class LinearKernel(SteinKernel): """ Calculates the linear kernel from Theorem 3.3 in [1]. The kernel is given by :math:`k(x,y) = x^T y + 1`. **References:** 1. Liu, Qiang, and Dilin Wang. "Stein Variational Gradient Descent as Moment Matching." Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 31 (2018). """ def __init__(self, mode="norm"): assert mode == "norm" self._mode = "norm" @property def mode(self): return self._mode def compute(self, rng_key, particles: jnp.ndarray, particle_info, loss_fn): def kernel(x, y): if x.ndim == 1: return x @ y + 1 else: return x * y + 1 return kernel
[docs] class RandomFeatureKernel(SteinKernel): """Calculates the Gaussian variate of random kernel in eq. 5 and 6 of [1]. The kernel is given by :math:`k(x,y)= \\frac{1}{m}\\sum_{l=1}^{m}\\phi(x,w_l)\\phi(y,w_l)`, where :math:`\\phi(\\cdot, w)` are the Gaussian random feature maps in eq. 6. The maps are given by :math:`\\phi(z, w) = \\sqrt{2}\\left(h^{-1}w_1^Tz + w_0\\right)`, where :math:`h` is the bandwidth computed using the median trick from :class:`~numpyro.constrib.einstein.RBFKernel`, :math:`w_0\\sim\\text{Uni}([0,2\\pi])` and :math:`w_1\\sim\\mathcal{N}(0,I)`. :param bandwidth_subset: How many particles should be used to calculate the bandwidth? (default None, meaning all particles) :param random_indices: The set of indices which to do random feature expansion on. (default None, meaning all indices) :param bandwidth_factor: A multiplier to the bandwidth based on data size n (default 1/log(n)) **References:** 1. Liu, Qiang, and Dilin Wang. "Stein Variational Gradient Descent as Moment Matching." Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 31 (2018). """ def __init__( self, mode="norm", bandwidth_subset=None, bandwidth_factor: Callable[[float], float] = lambda n: 1 / jnp.log(n), ): assert bandwidth_subset is None or bandwidth_subset > 0 assert mode == "norm" self._mode = "norm" self.bandwidth_subset = bandwidth_subset self.random_indices = None self.bandwidth_factor = bandwidth_factor self._random_weights = None self._random_biases = None self._bandwidth_subset_indices = None @property def mode(self): return self._mode def init(self, rng_key, particles_shape): rng_key, rng_weight, rng_bias = random.split(rng_key, 3) self._random_weights = random.normal(rng_weight, shape=particles_shape) self._random_biases = random.uniform( rng_bias, shape=particles_shape, maxval=(2 * np.pi) ) if self.bandwidth_subset is not None: self._bandwidth_subset_indices = random.choice( rng_key, particles_shape[0], (self.bandwidth_subset,) ) def compute(self, rng_key, particles, particle_info, loss_fn): if self._random_weights is None: raise RuntimeError( "The `.init` method should be called first to initialize the" " random weights, biases and subset indices." ) if particles.shape != self._random_weights.shape: raise ValueError( "Shapes of `particles` and the random weights are mismatched, got {}" " and {}.".format(particles.shape, self._random_weights.shape) ) if self.bandwidth_subset is not None: particles = particles[self._bandwidth_subset_indices] bandwidth = median_bandwidth(particles, self.bandwidth_factor) def feature(x, w, b): return jnp.sqrt(2) * jnp.cos((x @ w + b) / bandwidth) def kernel(x, y): ws = ( self._random_weights if self.random_indices is None else self._random_weights[self.random_indices] ) bs = ( self._random_biases if self.random_indices is None else self._random_biases[self.random_indices] ) return jnp.sum( jax.vmap(lambda w, b: feature(x, w, b) * feature(y, w, b))(ws, bs) ) return kernel
[docs] class MixtureKernel(SteinKernel): """Calculates a mixture of multiple kernels from eq. 1 of [1]. The kernel is given by :math:`k(x,y) = \\sum_i w_ik_i(x,y)`, where :math:`k_i` is a reproducing kernel and :math:`w_i \\in (0,\\infty)`. :param ws: Weight of each kernel in the mixture. :param kernel_fns: Different kernel functions to mix together. **References:** 1. Ai, Qingzhong, et al. "Stein variational gradient descent with multiple kernels." Cognitive Computation 15.2 (2023): 672-682. """ def __init__(self, ws: list[float], kernel_fns: list[SteinKernel], mode="norm"): assert len(ws) == len(kernel_fns) assert len(kernel_fns) > 1 assert all(kf.mode == mode for kf in kernel_fns) = ws self.kernel_fns = kernel_fns @property def mode(self): return self.kernel_fns[0].mode def compute(self, rng_key, particles, particle_info, loss_fn): kernels = [ kf.compute(rng_key, particles, particle_info, loss_fn) for kf in self.kernel_fns ] def kernel(x, y): res =[0] * kernels[0](x, y) for w, k in zip([1:], kernels[1:]): res = res + w * k(x, y) return res return kernel def init(self, rng_key, particles_shape): for kf in self.kernel_fns: rng_key, krng_key = random.split(rng_key) kf.init(krng_key, particles_shape)
[docs] class GraphicalKernel(SteinKernel): """Calculates the graphical kernel, also called the coordinate-wise kernel, from Theorem 1 in [1]. The kernel is given by :math:`k(x,y) = diag({k_l(x_l,y_l)})`, for coordinate-wise kernels :math:`k_l`. :param local_kernel_fns: A mapping between parameters and a choice of kernel function for that parameter (default to default_kernel_fn for each parameter) :param default_kernel_fn: The default choice of kernel function when none is specified for a particular parameter **References:** 1. Wang, Dilin, Zhe Zeng, and Qiang Liu. "Stein variational message passing for continuous graphical models." International Conference on Machine Learning. PMLR, 2018. """ def __init__( self, mode="matrix", local_kernel_fns: dict[str, SteinKernel] = None, default_kernel_fn: SteinKernel = RBFKernel(), ): assert mode == "matrix" self.local_kernel_fns = local_kernel_fns if local_kernel_fns is not None else {} self.default_kernel_fn = default_kernel_fn @property def mode(self): return "matrix" def compute(self, rng_key, particles, particle_info, loss_fn): def pk_loss_fn(start, end): def fn(ps): return loss_fn( jnp.concatenate( [particles[:, :start], ps, particles[:, end:]], axis=-1 ) ) return fn local_kernels = [] keys = random.split(rng_key, len(particle_info)) for key, (pk, (start_idx, end_idx)) in zip(keys, particle_info.items()): pk_kernel_fn = self.local_kernel_fns.get(pk, self.default_kernel_fn) pk_kernel = pk_kernel_fn.compute( key, particles[:, start_idx:end_idx], {pk: (0, end_idx - start_idx)}, pk_loss_fn(start_idx, end_idx), ) local_kernels.append((pk_kernel, pk_kernel_fn.mode, start_idx, end_idx)) def kernel(x, y): kernel_res = [] for kernel, mode, start_idx, end_idx in local_kernels: v = kernel(x[start_idx:end_idx], y[start_idx:end_idx]) if mode == "norm": v = v * jnp.identity(end_idx - start_idx) elif mode == "vector": v = jnp.diag(v) kernel_res.append(v) return jax.scipy.linalg.block_diag(*kernel_res) return kernel
[docs] class ProbabilityProductKernel(SteinKernel): """**EXPERIMENTAL** Compute the unormalized probability product kernel for Gaussians given by eq. 5 in [1]. **References**: 1. Jebara, Tony, Risi Kondor, and Andrew Howard. "Probability product kernels." The Journal of Machine Learning Research 5 (2004): 819-844. """ def __init__(self, guide, scale=1.0, mode="norm"): assert mode == "norm" self._mode = "norm" = guide self.scale = scale assert isinstance(guide, AutoNormal), "PPK only implemented for AutoNormal" def compute( self, rng_key, particles: jnp.ndarray, particle_info: dict[str, tuple[int, int]], loss_fn: Callable[[jnp.ndarray], float], ): loc_idx = jnp.concatenate( [ jnp.arange(*idx) for name, idx in particle_info.items() if name.endswith(f"{}_loc") ] ) scale_idx = jnp.concatenate( [ jnp.arange(*idx) for name, idx in particle_info.items() if name.endswith(f"{}_scale") ] ) def kernel(x, y): biject = biject_to( x_loc = x[loc_idx] x_scale = biject(x[scale_idx]) x_quad = ((x_loc / x_scale) ** 2).sum() y_loc = y[loc_idx] y_scale = biject(y[scale_idx]) y_quad = ((y_loc / y_scale) ** 2).sum() cross_loc = x_loc * x_scale**-2 + y_loc * y_scale**-2 cross_var = 1 / (y_scale**-2 + x_scale**-2) cross_quad = (cross_loc**2 * cross_var).sum() quad = jnp.exp(-self.scale / 2 * (x_quad + y_quad - cross_quad)) return quad return kernel @property def mode(self): return self._mode