Pyro Primitives


param(name, init_value=None, **kwargs)[source]

Annotate the given site as an optimizable parameter for use with jax.example_libraries.optimizers. For an example of how param statements can be used in inference algorithms, refer to SVI.

  • name (str) – name of site.

  • init_value (jnp.ndarray or callable) – initial value specified by the user or a lazy callable that accepts a JAX random PRNGKey and returns an array. Note that the onus of using this to initialize the optimizer is on the user inference algorithm, since there is no global parameter store in NumPyro.

  • constraint (numpyro.distributions.constraints.Constraint) – NumPyro constraint, defaults to constraints.real.

  • event_dim (int) – (optional) number of rightmost dimensions unrelated to batching. Dimension to the left of this will be considered batch dimensions; if the param statement is inside a subsampled plate, then corresponding batch dimensions of the parameter will be correspondingly subsampled. If unspecified, all dimensions will be considered event dims and no subsampling will be performed.


value for the parameter. Unless wrapped inside a handler like substitute, this will simply return the initial value.


sample(name, fn, obs=None, rng_key=None, sample_shape=(), infer=None, obs_mask=None)[source]

Returns a random sample from the stochastic function fn. This can have additional side effects when wrapped inside effect handlers like substitute.


By design, sample primitive is meant to be used inside a NumPyro model. Then seed handler is used to inject a random state to fn. In those situations, rng_key keyword will take no effect.

  • name (str) – name of the sample site.

  • fn – a stochastic function that returns a sample.

  • obs (jnp.ndarray) – observed value

  • rng_key (jax.random.PRNGKey) – an optional random key for fn.

  • sample_shape – Shape of samples to be drawn.

  • infer (dict) – an optional dictionary containing additional information for inference algorithms. For example, if fn is a discrete distribution, setting infer={‘enumerate’: ‘parallel’} to tell MCMC marginalize this discrete latent site.

  • obs_mask (jnp.ndarray) – Optional boolean array mask of shape broadcastable with fn.batch_shape. If provided, events with mask=True will be conditioned on obs and remaining events will be imputed by sampling. This introduces a latent sample site named name + "_unobserved" which should be used by guides in SVI. Note that this argument is not intended to be used with MCMC.


sample from the stochastic fn.


class plate(name, size, subsample_size=None, dim=None)[source]

Construct for annotating conditionally independent variables. Within a plate context manager, sample sites will be automatically broadcasted to the size of the plate. Additionally, a scale factor might be applied by certain inference algorithms if subsample_size is specified.


This can be used to subsample minibatches of data:

with plate("data", len(data), subsample_size=100) as ind:
    batch = data[ind]
    assert len(batch) == 100
  • name (str) – Name of the plate.

  • size (int) – Size of the plate.

  • subsample_size (int) – Optional argument denoting the size of the mini-batch. This can be used to apply a scaling factor by inference algorithms. e.g. when computing ELBO using a mini-batch.

  • dim (int) – Optional argument to specify which dimension in the tensor is used as the plate dim. If None (default), the rightmost available dim is allocated.


plate_stack(prefix, sizes, rightmost_dim=-1)[source]

Create a contiguous stack of plate s with dimensions:

rightmost_dim - len(sizes), ..., rightmost_dim
  • prefix (str) – Name prefix for plates.

  • sizes (iterable) – An iterable of plate sizes.

  • rightmost_dim (int) – The rightmost dim, counting from the right.


subsample(data, event_dim)[source]

EXPERIMENTAL Subsampling statement to subsample data based on enclosing plate s.

This is typically called on arguments to model() when subsampling is performed automatically by plate s by passing subsample_size kwarg. For example the following are equivalent:

# Version 1. using indexing
def model(data):
    with numpyro.plate("data", len(data), subsample_size=10, dim=-data.dim()) as ind:
        data = data[ind]
        # ...

# Version 2. using numpyro.subsample()
def model(data):
    with numpyro.plate("data", len(data), subsample_size=10, dim=-data.dim()):
        data = numpyro.subsample(data, event_dim=0)
        # ...
  • data (jnp.ndarray) – A tensor of batched data.

  • event_dim (int) – The event dimension of the data tensor. Dimensions to the left are considered batch dimensions.


A subsampled version of data

Return type:



deterministic(name, value)[source]

Used to designate deterministic sites in the model. Note that most effect handlers will not operate on deterministic sites (except trace()), so deterministic sites should be side-effect free. The use case for deterministic nodes is to record any values in the model execution trace.

  • name (str) – name of the deterministic site.

  • value (jnp.ndarray) – deterministic value to record in the trace.



A statement to draw a pseudo-random number generator key PRNGKey() under seed handler.


a PRNG key of shape (2,) and dtype unit32.


factor(name, log_factor)[source]

Factor statement to add arbitrary log probability factor to a probabilistic model.

  • name (str) – Name of the trivial sample.

  • log_factor (jnp.ndarray) – A possibly batched log probability factor.



Records the effects of enclosing handlers.mask handlers. This is useful for avoiding expensive numpyro.factor() computations during prediction, when the log density need not be computed, e.g.:

def model():
    # ...
    if numpyro.get_mask() is not False:
        log_density = my_expensive_computation()
        numpyro.factor("foo", log_density)
    # ...

The mask.

Return type:

None, bool, or jnp.ndarray


module(name, nn, input_shape=None)[source]

Declare a stax style neural network inside a model so that its parameters are registered for optimization via param() statements.

  • name (str) – name of the module to be registered.

  • nn (tuple) – a tuple of (init_fn, apply_fn) obtained by a stax constructor function.

  • input_shape (tuple) – shape of the input taken by the neural network.


a apply_fn with bound parameters that takes an array as an input and returns the neural network transformed output array.


flax_module(name, nn_module, *args, input_shape=None, apply_rng=None, mutable=None, **kwargs)[source]

Declare a flax style neural network inside a model so that its parameters are registered for optimization via param() statements.

Given a flax nn_module, in flax to evaluate the module with a given set of parameters, we use: nn_module.apply(params, x). In a NumPyro model, the pattern will be:

net = flax_module("net", nn_module)
y = net(x)

or with dropout layers:

net = flax_module("net", nn_module, apply_rng=["dropout"])
rng_key = numpyro.prng_key()
y = net(x, rngs={"dropout": rng_key})
  • name (str) – name of the module to be registered.

  • nn_module (flax.linen.Module) – a flax Module which has .init and .apply methods

  • args – optional arguments to initialize flax neural network as an alternative to input_shape

  • input_shape (tuple) – shape of the input taken by the neural network.

  • apply_rng (list) – A list to indicate which extra rng _kinds_ are needed for nn_module. For example, when nn_module includes dropout layers, we need to set apply_rng=["dropout"]. Defaults to None, which means no extra rng key is needed. Please see Flax Linen Intro for more information in how Flax deals with stochastic layers like dropout.

  • mutable (list) – A list to indicate mutable states of nn_module. For example, if your module has BatchNorm layer, we will need to define mutable=["batch_stats"]. See the above Flax Linen Intro tutorial for more information.

  • kwargs – optional keyword arguments to initialize flax neural network as an alternative to input_shape


a callable with bound parameters that takes an array as an input and returns the neural network transformed output array.


haiku_module(name, nn_module, *args, input_shape=None, apply_rng=False, **kwargs)[source]

Declare a haiku style neural network inside a model so that its parameters are registered for optimization via param() statements.

Given a haiku nn_module, in haiku to evaluate the module with a given set of parameters, we use: nn_module.apply(params, None, x). In a NumPyro model, the pattern will be:

net = haiku_module("net", nn_module)
y = net(x)  # or y = net(rng_key, x)

or with dropout layers:

net = haiku_module("net", nn_module, apply_rng=True)
rng_key = numpyro.prng_key()
y = net(rng_key, x)
  • name (str) – name of the module to be registered.

  • nn_module (haiku.Transformed or haiku.TransformedWithState) – a haiku Module which has .init and .apply methods

  • args – optional arguments to initialize flax neural network as an alternative to input_shape

  • input_shape (tuple) – shape of the input taken by the neural network.

  • apply_rng (bool) – A flag to indicate if the returned callable requires an rng argument (e.g. when nn_module includes dropout layers). Defaults to False, which means no rng argument is needed. If this is True, the signature of the returned callable nn = haiku_module(..., apply_rng=True) will be nn(rng_key, x) (rather than nn(x)).

  • kwargs – optional keyword arguments to initialize flax neural network as an alternative to input_shape


a callable with bound parameters that takes an array as an input and returns the neural network transformed output array.


random_flax_module(name, nn_module, prior, *args, input_shape=None, apply_rng=None, mutable=None, **kwargs)[source]

A primitive to place a prior over the parameters of the Flax module nn_module.


Parameters of a Flax module are stored in a nested dict. For example, the module B defined as follows:

class A(flax.linen.Module):
    def __call__(self, x):
        return nn.Dense(1, use_bias=False, name='dense')(x)

class B(flax.linen.Module):
    def __call__(self, x):
        return A(name='inner')(x)

has parameters {‘inner’: {‘dense’: {‘kernel’: param_value}}}. In the argument prior, to specify kernel parameter, we join the path to it using dots: prior={“inner.dense.kernel”: param_prior}.

  • name (str) – name of NumPyro module

  • flax.linen.Module – the module to be registered with NumPyro

  • prior (dict, Distribution or callable) –

    a NumPyro distribution or a Python dict with parameter names as keys and respective distributions as values. For example:

    net = random_flax_module("net",
                             prior={"bias": dist.Cauchy(), "kernel": dist.Normal()},

    Alternatively, we can use a callable. For example the following are equivalent:

    prior=(lambda name, shape: dist.Cauchy() if name == "bias" else dist.Normal())
    prior={"bias": dist.Cauchy(), "kernel": dist.Normal()}

  • args – optional arguments to initialize flax neural network as an alternative to input_shape

  • input_shape (tuple) – shape of the input taken by the neural network.

  • apply_rng (list) –

    A list to indicate which extra rng _kinds_ are needed for nn_module. For example, when nn_module includes dropout layers, we need to set apply_rng=["dropout"]. Defaults to None, which means no extra rng key is needed. Please see Flax Linen Intro for more information in how Flax deals with stochastic layers like dropout.

  • mutable (list) – A list to indicate mutable states of nn_module. For example, if your module has BatchNorm layer, we will need to define mutable=["batch_stats"]. See the above Flax Linen Intro tutorial for more information.

  • kwargs – optional keyword arguments to initialize flax neural network as an alternative to input_shape


a sampled module


# NB: this example is ported from
>>> import numpy as np; np.random.seed(0)
>>> import tqdm
>>> from flax import linen as nn
>>> from jax import jit, random
>>> import numpyro
>>> import numpyro.distributions as dist
>>> from numpyro.contrib.module import random_flax_module
>>> from numpyro.infer import Predictive, SVI, TraceMeanField_ELBO, autoguide, init_to_feasible
>>> class Net(nn.Module):
...     n_units: int
...     @nn.compact
...     def __call__(self, x):
...         x = nn.Dense(self.n_units)(x[..., None])
...         x = nn.relu(x)
...         x = nn.Dense(self.n_units)(x)
...         x = nn.relu(x)
...         mean = nn.Dense(1)(x)
...         rho = nn.Dense(1)(x)
...         return mean.squeeze(), rho.squeeze()
>>> def generate_data(n_samples):
...     x = np.random.normal(size=n_samples)
...     y = np.cos(x * 3) + np.random.normal(size=n_samples) * np.abs(x) / 2
...     return x, y
>>> def model(x, y=None, batch_size=None):
...     module = Net(n_units=32)
...     net = random_flax_module("nn", module, dist.Normal(0, 0.1), input_shape=())
...     with numpyro.plate("batch", x.shape[0], subsample_size=batch_size):
...         batch_x = numpyro.subsample(x, event_dim=0)
...         batch_y = numpyro.subsample(y, event_dim=0) if y is not None else None
...         mean, rho = net(batch_x)
...         sigma = nn.softplus(rho)
...         numpyro.sample("obs", dist.Normal(mean, sigma), obs=batch_y)
>>> n_train_data = 5000
>>> x_train, y_train = generate_data(n_train_data)
>>> guide = autoguide.AutoNormal(model, init_loc_fn=init_to_feasible)
>>> svi = SVI(model, guide, numpyro.optim.Adam(5e-3), TraceMeanField_ELBO())
>>> n_iterations = 3000
>>> svi_result =, n_iterations, x_train, y_train, batch_size=256)
>>> params, losses = svi_result.params, svi_result.losses
>>> n_test_data = 100
>>> x_test, y_test = generate_data(n_test_data)
>>> predictive = Predictive(model, guide=guide, params=params, num_samples=1000)
>>> y_pred = predictive(random.PRNGKey(1), x_test[:100])["obs"].copy()
>>> assert losses[-1] < 3000
>>> assert np.sqrt(np.mean(np.square(y_test - y_pred))) < 1


random_haiku_module(name, nn_module, prior, *args, input_shape=None, apply_rng=False, **kwargs)[source]

A primitive to place a prior over the parameters of the Haiku module nn_module.

  • name (str) – name of NumPyro module

  • nn_module (haiku.Transformed or haiku.TransformedWithState) – the module to be registered with NumPyro

  • prior (dict, Distribution or callable) –

    a NumPyro distribution or a Python dict with parameter names as keys and respective distributions as values. For example:

    net = random_haiku_module("net",
                              haiku.transform(lambda x: hk.Linear(1)(x)),
                              prior={"linear.b": dist.Cauchy(), "linear.w": dist.Normal()},

    Alternatively, we can use a callable. For example the following are equivalent:

    prior=(lambda name, shape: dist.Cauchy() if name.startswith("b") else dist.Normal())
    prior={"bias": dist.Cauchy(), "kernel": dist.Normal()}

  • args – optional arguments to initialize flax neural network as an alternative to input_shape

  • input_shape (tuple) – shape of the input taken by the neural network.

  • apply_rng (bool) – A flag to indicate if the returned callable requires an rng argument (e.g. when nn_module includes dropout layers). Defaults to False, which means no rng argument is needed. If this is True, the signature of the returned callable nn = haiku_module(..., apply_rng=True) will be nn(rng_key, x) (rather than nn(x)).

  • kwargs – optional keyword arguments to initialize flax neural network as an alternative to input_shape


a sampled module


scan(f: Callable, init, xs, length: int | None = None, reverse: bool = False, history: int = 1)[source]

This primitive scans a function over the leading array axes of xs while carrying along state. See jax.lax.scan() for more information.


>>> import numpy as np
>>> import numpyro
>>> import numpyro.distributions as dist
>>> from numpyro.contrib.control_flow import scan
>>> def gaussian_hmm(y=None, T=10):
...     def transition(x_prev, y_curr):
...         x_curr = numpyro.sample('x', dist.Normal(x_prev, 1))
...         y_curr = numpyro.sample('y', dist.Normal(x_curr, 1), obs=y_curr)
...         return x_curr, (x_curr, y_curr)
...     x0 = numpyro.sample('x_0', dist.Normal(0, 1))
...     _, (x, y) = scan(transition, x0, y, length=T)
...     return (x, y)
>>> # here we do some quick tests
>>> with numpyro.handlers.seed(rng_seed=0):
...     x, y = gaussian_hmm(np.arange(10.))
>>> assert x.shape == (10,) and y.shape == (10,)
>>> assert np.all(y == np.arange(10))
>>> with numpyro.handlers.seed(rng_seed=0):  # generative
...     x, y = gaussian_hmm()
>>> assert x.shape == (10,) and y.shape == (10,)


This is an experimental utility function that allows users to use JAX control flow with NumPyro’s effect handlers. Currently, sample and deterministic sites within the scan body f are supported. If you notice that any effect handlers or distributions are unsupported, please file an issue.


It is ambiguous to align scan dimension inside a plate context. So the following pattern won’t be supported

with numpyro.plate('N', 10):
    last, ys = scan(f, init, xs)

All plate statements should be put inside f. For example, the corresponding working code is

def g(*args, **kwargs):
    with numpyro.plate('N', 10):
        return f(*arg, **kwargs)

last, ys = scan(g, init, xs)


Nested scan is currently not supported.


We can scan over discrete latent variables in f. The joint density is evaluated using parallel-scan (reference [1]) over time dimension, which reduces parallel complexity to O(log(length)).

A trace of scan with discrete latent variables will contain the following sites:

  • init sites: those sites belong to the first history traces of f. Sites at the i-th trace will have name prefixed with ‘_PREV_’ * (2 * history - 1 - i).

  • scanned sites: those sites collect the values of the remaining scan loop over f. An addition time dimension _time_foo will be added to those sites, where foo is the name of the first site appeared in f.

Not all transition functions f are supported. All of the restrictions from Pyro’s enumeration tutorial [2] still apply here. In addition, there should not have any site outside of scan depend on the first output of scan (the last carry value).


  1. Temporal Parallelization of Bayesian Smoothers, Simo Sarkka, Angel F. Garcia-Fernandez (

  2. Inference with Discrete Latent Variables (

  • f (callable) – a function to be scanned.

  • init – the initial carrying state

  • xs – the values over which we scan along the leading axis. This can be any JAX pytree (e.g. list/dict of arrays).

  • length (int | None) – optional value specifying the length of xs but can be used when xs is an empty pytree (e.g. None)

  • reverse (bool) – optional boolean specifying whether to run the scan iteration forward (the default) or in reverse

  • history (int) – The number of previous contexts visible from the current context. Defaults to 1. If zero, this is similar to numpyro.plate.


output of scan, quoted from jax.lax.scan() docs: “pair of type (c, [b]) where the first element represents the final loop carry value and the second element represents the stacked outputs of the second output of f when scanned over the leading axis of the inputs”.


cond(pred: bool, true_fun: Callable, false_fun: Callable, operand: Any) Any[source]

This primitive conditionally applies true_fun or false_fun. See jax.lax.cond() for more information.


>>> import numpyro
>>> import numpyro.distributions as dist
>>> from jax import random
>>> from numpyro.contrib.control_flow import cond
>>> from numpyro.infer import SVI, Trace_ELBO
>>> def model():
...     def true_fun(_):
...         return numpyro.sample("x", dist.Normal(20.0))
...     def false_fun(_):
...         return numpyro.sample("x", dist.Normal(0.0))
...     cluster = numpyro.sample("cluster", dist.Normal())
...     return cond(cluster > 0, true_fun, false_fun, None)
>>> def guide():
...     m1 = numpyro.param("m1", 10.0)
...     s1 = numpyro.param("s1", 0.1, constraint=dist.constraints.positive)
...     m2 = numpyro.param("m2", 10.0)
...     s2 = numpyro.param("s2", 0.1, constraint=dist.constraints.positive)
...     def true_fun(_):
...         return numpyro.sample("x", dist.Normal(m1, s1))
...     def false_fun(_):
...         return numpyro.sample("x", dist.Normal(m2, s2))
...     cluster = numpyro.sample("cluster", dist.Normal())
...     return cond(cluster > 0, true_fun, false_fun, None)
>>> svi = SVI(model, guide, numpyro.optim.Adam(1e-2), Trace_ELBO(num_particles=100))
>>> svi_result =, num_steps=2500)


This is an experimental utility function that allows users to use JAX control flow with NumPyro’s effect handlers. Currently, sample and deterministic sites within true_fun and false_fun are supported. If you notice that any effect handlers or distributions are unsupported, please file an issue.


The cond primitive does not currently support enumeration and can not be used inside a numpyro.plate context.


All sample sites must belong to the same distribution class. For example the following is not supported

    lambda _: numpyro.sample("x", dist.Normal()),
    lambda _: numpyro.sample("x", dist.Laplace()),
  • pred (bool) – Boolean scalar type indicating which branch function to apply

  • true_fun (callable) – A function to be applied if pred is true.

  • false_fun (callable) – A function to be applied if pred is false.

  • operand – Operand input to either branch depending on pred. This can be any JAX PyTree (e.g. list / dict of arrays).


Output of the applied branch function.