Source code for numpyro.contrib.module

# Copyright Contributors to the Pyro project.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

from collections import namedtuple
from copy import deepcopy
from functools import partial

from jax import random
import jax.numpy as jnp
from jax.tree_util import register_pytree_node, tree_flatten, tree_unflatten

import numpyro
import numpyro.distributions as dist
from numpyro.primitives import mutable as numpyro_mutable

__all__ = [

[docs] def flax_module( name, nn_module, *args, input_shape=None, apply_rng=None, mutable=None, **kwargs ): """ Declare a :mod:`~flax` style neural network inside a model so that its parameters are registered for optimization via :func:`~numpyro.primitives.param` statements. Given a flax ``nn_module``, in flax to evaluate the module with a given set of parameters, we use: ``nn_module.apply(params, x)``. In a NumPyro model, the pattern will be:: net = flax_module("net", nn_module) y = net(x) or with dropout layers:: net = flax_module("net", nn_module, apply_rng=["dropout"]) rng_key = numpyro.prng_key() y = net(x, rngs={"dropout": rng_key}) :param str name: name of the module to be registered. :param flax.linen.Module nn_module: a `flax` Module which has .init and .apply methods :param args: optional arguments to initialize flax neural network as an alternative to `input_shape` :param tuple input_shape: shape of the input taken by the neural network. :param list apply_rng: A list to indicate which extra rng _kinds_ are needed for ``nn_module``. For example, when ``nn_module`` includes dropout layers, we need to set ``apply_rng=["dropout"]``. Defaults to None, which means no extra rng key is needed. Please see `Flax Linen Intro <>`_ for more information in how Flax deals with stochastic layers like dropout. :param list mutable: A list to indicate mutable states of ``nn_module``. For example, if your module has BatchNorm layer, we will need to define ``mutable=["batch_stats"]``. See the above `Flax Linen Intro` tutorial for more information. :param kwargs: optional keyword arguments to initialize flax neural network as an alternative to `input_shape` :return: a callable with bound parameters that takes an array as an input and returns the neural network transformed output array. """ try: import flax # noqa: F401 except ImportError as e: raise ImportError( "Looking like you want to use flax to declare " "nn modules. This is an experimental feature. " "You need to install `flax` to be able to use this feature. " "It can be installed with `pip install flax`." ) from e module_key = name + "$params" nn_params = numpyro.param(module_key) if mutable: nn_state = numpyro_mutable(name + "$state") assert nn_state is None or isinstance(nn_state, dict) assert (nn_state is None) == (nn_params is None) if nn_params is None: # feed in dummy data to init params args = (jnp.ones(input_shape),) if input_shape is not None else args rng_key = numpyro.prng_key() # split rng_key into a dict of rng_kind: rng_key rngs = {} if apply_rng: assert isinstance(apply_rng, list) for kind in apply_rng: rng_key, subkey = random.split(rng_key) rngs[kind] = subkey rngs["params"] = rng_key nn_vars = flax.core.unfreeze(nn_module.init(rngs, *args, **kwargs)) if "params" not in nn_vars: raise ValueError( "Your nn_module does not have any parameter. Currently, it is not" " supported in NumPyro. Please make a github issue if you need" " that feature." ) nn_params = nn_vars["params"] if mutable: nn_state = {k: v for k, v in nn_vars.items() if k != "params"} assert set(mutable) == set(nn_state) numpyro_mutable(name + "$state", nn_state) # make sure that nn_params keep the same order after unflatten params_flat, tree_def = tree_flatten(nn_params) nn_params = tree_unflatten(tree_def, params_flat) numpyro.param(module_key, nn_params) def apply_with_state(params, *args, **kwargs): params = {"params": params, **nn_state} out, new_state = nn_module.apply(params, mutable=mutable, *args, **kwargs) nn_state.update(**new_state) return out def apply_without_state(params, *args, **kwargs): return nn_module.apply({"params": params}, *args, **kwargs) apply_fn = apply_with_state if mutable else apply_without_state return partial(apply_fn, nn_params)
[docs] def haiku_module(name, nn_module, *args, input_shape=None, apply_rng=False, **kwargs): """ Declare a :mod:`~haiku` style neural network inside a model so that its parameters are registered for optimization via :func:`~numpyro.primitives.param` statements. Given a haiku ``nn_module``, in haiku to evaluate the module with a given set of parameters, we use: ``nn_module.apply(params, None, x)``. In a NumPyro model, the pattern will be:: net = haiku_module("net", nn_module) y = net(x) # or y = net(rng_key, x) or with dropout layers:: net = haiku_module("net", nn_module, apply_rng=True) rng_key = numpyro.prng_key() y = net(rng_key, x) :param str name: name of the module to be registered. :param nn_module: a `haiku` Module which has .init and .apply methods :type nn_module: haiku.Transformed or haiku.TransformedWithState :param args: optional arguments to initialize flax neural network as an alternative to `input_shape` :param tuple input_shape: shape of the input taken by the neural network. :param bool apply_rng: A flag to indicate if the returned callable requires an rng argument (e.g. when ``nn_module`` includes dropout layers). Defaults to False, which means no rng argument is needed. If this is True, the signature of the returned callable ``nn = haiku_module(..., apply_rng=True)`` will be ``nn(rng_key, x)`` (rather than ``nn(x)``). :param kwargs: optional keyword arguments to initialize flax neural network as an alternative to `input_shape` :return: a callable with bound parameters that takes an array as an input and returns the neural network transformed output array. """ try: import haiku as hk # noqa: F401 except ImportError as e: raise ImportError( "Looking like you want to use haiku to declare " "nn modules. This is an experimental feature. " "You need to install `haiku` to be able to use this feature. " "It can be installed with `pip install dm-haiku`." ) from e if not apply_rng: nn_module = hk.without_apply_rng(nn_module) module_key = name + "$params" nn_params = numpyro.param(module_key) with_state = isinstance(nn_module, hk.TransformedWithState) if with_state: nn_state = numpyro_mutable(name + "$state") assert nn_state is None or isinstance(nn_state, dict) assert (nn_state is None) == (nn_params is None) if nn_params is None: args = (jnp.ones(input_shape),) if input_shape is not None else args # feed in dummy data to init params rng_key = numpyro.prng_key() if with_state: nn_params, nn_state = nn_module.init(rng_key, *args, **kwargs) nn_state = dict(nn_state) numpyro_mutable(name + "$state", nn_state) else: nn_params = nn_module.init(rng_key, *args, **kwargs) # haiku init returns an immutable dict nn_params = hk.data_structures.to_mutable_dict(nn_params) # we cast it to a mutable one to be able to set priors for parameters # make sure that nn_params keep the same order after unflatten params_flat, tree_def = tree_flatten(nn_params) nn_params = tree_unflatten(tree_def, params_flat) numpyro.param(module_key, nn_params) def apply_with_state(params, *args, **kwargs): out, new_state = nn_module.apply(params, nn_state, *args, **kwargs) nn_state.update(**new_state) return out apply_fn = apply_with_state if with_state else nn_module.apply return partial(apply_fn, nn_params)
# register an "empty" parameter which only stores its shape # so that the optimizer can skip optimize this parameter, while # it still provides shape information for priors ParamShape = namedtuple("ParamShape", ["shape"]) register_pytree_node( ParamShape, lambda x: ((None,), x.shape), lambda shape, x: ParamShape(shape) ) def _update_params(params, new_params, prior, prefix=""): """ A helper to recursively set prior to new_params. """ for name, item in params.items(): flatten_name = ".".join([prefix, name]) if prefix else name if isinstance(item, dict): assert not isinstance(prior, dict) or flatten_name not in prior new_item = new_params[name] _update_params(item, new_item, prior, prefix=flatten_name) elif (not isinstance(prior, dict)) or flatten_name in prior: if isinstance(params[name], ParamShape): param_shape = params[name].shape else: param_shape = jnp.shape(params[name]) params[name] = ParamShape(param_shape) if isinstance(prior, dict): d = prior[flatten_name] elif callable(prior) and not isinstance(prior, dist.Distribution): d = prior(flatten_name, param_shape) else: d = prior param_batch_shape = param_shape[: len(param_shape) - d.event_dim] # XXX: here we set all dimensions of prior to event dimensions. new_params[name] = numpyro.sample( flatten_name, d.expand(param_batch_shape).to_event() )
[docs] def random_flax_module( name, nn_module, prior, *args, input_shape=None, apply_rng=None, mutable=None, **kwargs ): """ A primitive to place a prior over the parameters of the Flax module `nn_module`. .. note:: Parameters of a Flax module are stored in a nested dict. For example, the module `B` defined as follows:: class A(flax.linen.Module): @flax.linen.compact def __call__(self, x): return nn.Dense(1, use_bias=False, name='dense')(x) class B(flax.linen.Module): @flax.linen.compact def __call__(self, x): return A(name='inner')(x) has parameters `{'inner': {'dense': {'kernel': param_value}}}`. In the argument `prior`, to specify `kernel` parameter, we join the path to it using dots: `prior={"inner.dense.kernel": param_prior}`. :param str name: name of NumPyro module :param flax.linen.Module: the module to be registered with NumPyro :param prior: a NumPyro distribution or a Python dict with parameter names as keys and respective distributions as values. For example:: net = random_flax_module("net", flax.linen.Dense(features=1), prior={"bias": dist.Cauchy(), "kernel": dist.Normal()}, input_shape=(4,)) Alternatively, we can use a callable. For example the following are equivalent:: prior=(lambda name, shape: dist.Cauchy() if name == "bias" else dist.Normal()) prior={"bias": dist.Cauchy(), "kernel": dist.Normal()} :type prior: dict, ~numpyro.distributions.Distribution or callable :param args: optional arguments to initialize flax neural network as an alternative to `input_shape` :param tuple input_shape: shape of the input taken by the neural network. :param list apply_rng: A list to indicate which extra rng _kinds_ are needed for ``nn_module``. For example, when ``nn_module`` includes dropout layers, we need to set ``apply_rng=["dropout"]``. Defaults to None, which means no extra rng key is needed. Please see `Flax Linen Intro <>`_ for more information in how Flax deals with stochastic layers like dropout. :param list mutable: A list to indicate mutable states of ``nn_module``. For example, if your module has BatchNorm layer, we will need to define ``mutable=["batch_stats"]``. See the above `Flax Linen Intro` tutorial for more information. :param kwargs: optional keyword arguments to initialize flax neural network as an alternative to `input_shape` :returns: a sampled module **Example** .. doctest:: # NB: this example is ported from >>> import numpy as np; np.random.seed(0) >>> import tqdm >>> from flax import linen as nn >>> from jax import jit, random >>> import numpyro >>> import numpyro.distributions as dist >>> from numpyro.contrib.module import random_flax_module >>> from numpyro.infer import Predictive, SVI, TraceMeanField_ELBO, autoguide, init_to_feasible ... >>> class Net(nn.Module): ... n_units: int ... ... @nn.compact ... def __call__(self, x): ... x = nn.Dense(self.n_units)(x[..., None]) ... x = nn.relu(x) ... x = nn.Dense(self.n_units)(x) ... x = nn.relu(x) ... mean = nn.Dense(1)(x) ... rho = nn.Dense(1)(x) ... return mean.squeeze(), rho.squeeze() ... >>> def generate_data(n_samples): ... x = np.random.normal(size=n_samples) ... y = np.cos(x * 3) + np.random.normal(size=n_samples) * np.abs(x) / 2 ... return x, y ... >>> def model(x, y=None, batch_size=None): ... module = Net(n_units=32) ... net = random_flax_module("nn", module, dist.Normal(0, 0.1), input_shape=()) ... with numpyro.plate("batch", x.shape[0], subsample_size=batch_size): ... batch_x = numpyro.subsample(x, event_dim=0) ... batch_y = numpyro.subsample(y, event_dim=0) if y is not None else None ... mean, rho = net(batch_x) ... sigma = nn.softplus(rho) ... numpyro.sample("obs", dist.Normal(mean, sigma), obs=batch_y) ... >>> n_train_data = 5000 >>> x_train, y_train = generate_data(n_train_data) >>> guide = autoguide.AutoNormal(model, init_loc_fn=init_to_feasible) >>> svi = SVI(model, guide, numpyro.optim.Adam(5e-3), TraceMeanField_ELBO()) >>> n_iterations = 3000 >>> svi_result =, n_iterations, x_train, y_train, batch_size=256) >>> params, losses = svi_result.params, svi_result.losses >>> n_test_data = 100 >>> x_test, y_test = generate_data(n_test_data) >>> predictive = Predictive(model, guide=guide, params=params, num_samples=1000) >>> y_pred = predictive(random.PRNGKey(1), x_test[:100])["obs"].copy() >>> assert losses[-1] < 3000 >>> assert np.sqrt(np.mean(np.square(y_test - y_pred))) < 1 """ nn = flax_module( name, nn_module, *args, input_shape=input_shape, apply_rng=apply_rng, mutable=mutable, **kwargs ) params = nn.args[0] new_params = deepcopy(params) with numpyro.handlers.scope(prefix=name): _update_params(params, new_params, prior) nn_new = partial(nn.func, new_params, *nn.args[1:], **nn.keywords) return nn_new
[docs] def random_haiku_module( name, nn_module, prior, *args, input_shape=None, apply_rng=False, **kwargs ): """ A primitive to place a prior over the parameters of the Haiku module `nn_module`. :param str name: name of NumPyro module :param nn_module: the module to be registered with NumPyro :type nn_module: haiku.Transformed or haiku.TransformedWithState :param prior: a NumPyro distribution or a Python dict with parameter names as keys and respective distributions as values. For example:: net = random_haiku_module("net", haiku.transform(lambda x: hk.Linear(1)(x)), prior={"linear.b": dist.Cauchy(), "linear.w": dist.Normal()}, input_shape=(4,)) Alternatively, we can use a callable. For example the following are equivalent:: prior=(lambda name, shape: dist.Cauchy() if name.startswith("b") else dist.Normal()) prior={"bias": dist.Cauchy(), "kernel": dist.Normal()} :type prior: dict, ~numpyro.distributions.Distribution or callable :param args: optional arguments to initialize flax neural network as an alternative to `input_shape` :param tuple input_shape: shape of the input taken by the neural network. :param bool apply_rng: A flag to indicate if the returned callable requires an rng argument (e.g. when ``nn_module`` includes dropout layers). Defaults to False, which means no rng argument is needed. If this is True, the signature of the returned callable ``nn = haiku_module(..., apply_rng=True)`` will be ``nn(rng_key, x)`` (rather than ``nn(x)``). :param kwargs: optional keyword arguments to initialize flax neural network as an alternative to `input_shape` :returns: a sampled module """ nn = haiku_module( name, nn_module, *args, input_shape=input_shape, apply_rng=apply_rng, **kwargs ) params = nn.args[0] new_params = deepcopy(params) with numpyro.handlers.scope(prefix=name): _update_params(params, new_params, prior) nn_new = partial(nn.func, new_params, *nn.args[1:], **nn.keywords) return nn_new