Source code for numpyro.svi

from functools import namedtuple
import os
import warnings

import jax
from jax import random, value_and_grad

from numpyro.contrib.autoguide import AutoContinuous
from numpyro.distributions import constraints
from numpyro.distributions.constraints import biject_to
from numpyro.handlers import replay, seed, substitute, trace
from numpyro.infer_util import log_density, transform_fn

SVIState = namedtuple('SVIState', ['optim_state', 'rng'])
A :func:`~collections.namedtuple` consisting of the following fields:
 - **optim_state** - current optimizer's state.
 - **rng** - random number generator seed used for the iteration.

def _seed(model, guide, rng):
    model_seed, guide_seed = random.split(rng, 2)
    model_init = seed(model, model_seed)
    guide_init = seed(guide, guide_seed)
    return model_init, guide_init

def svi(model, guide, loss, optim, **kwargs):
    Stochastic Variational Inference given an ELBo loss objective.

    :param model: Python callable with Pyro primitives for the model.
    :param guide: Python callable with Pyro primitives for the guide
        (recognition network).
    :param loss: ELBo loss, i.e. negative Evidence Lower Bound, to minimize.
    :param optim: an instance of :class:`~numpyro.optim._NumpyroOptim`.
    :param `**kwargs`: static arguments for the model / guide, i.e. arguments
        that remain constant during fitting.
    :return: tuple of `(init_fn, update_fn, evaluate)`.
    warnings.warn("This interface to SVI is deprecated and will be removed in the "
                  "next version. Please use `numpyro.svi.SVI` instead.",
    constrain_fn = None

    def init_fn(rng, model_args=(), guide_args=()):

        :param jax.random.PRNGKey rng: random number generator seed.
        :param tuple model_args: arguments to the model (these can possibly vary during
            the course of fitting).
        :param tuple guide_args: arguments to the guide (these can possibly vary during
            the course of fitting).
        :return: tuple containing initial :data:`SVIState`, and `get_params`, a callable
            that transforms unconstrained parameter values from the optimizer to the
            specified constrained domain
        nonlocal constrain_fn

        assert isinstance(model_args, tuple)
        assert isinstance(guide_args, tuple)
        rng, rng_seed = random.split(rng)
        model_init, guide_init = _seed(model, guide, rng_seed)
        guide_trace = trace(guide_init).get_trace(*guide_args, **kwargs)
        model_trace = trace(model_init).get_trace(*model_args, **kwargs)
        params = {}
        inv_transforms = {}
        # NB: params in model_trace will be overwritten by params in guide_trace
        for site in list(model_trace.values()) + list(guide_trace.values()):
            if site['type'] == 'param':
                constraint = site['kwargs'].pop('constraint', constraints.real)
                transform = biject_to(constraint)
                inv_transforms[site['name']] = transform
                params[site['name']] = transform.inv(site['value'])

        constrain_fn = jax.partial(transform_fn, inv_transforms)
        return SVIState(optim.init(params), rng), get_params

    def get_params(svi_state):
        Gets values at `param` sites of the `model` and `guide`.

        :param svi_state: current state of the optimizer.
        params = constrain_fn(optim.get_params(svi_state.optim_state))
        return params

    def update_fn(svi_state, model_args=(), guide_args=()):
        Take a single step of SVI (possibly on a batch / minibatch of data),
        using the optimizer.

        :param svi_state: current state of SVI.
        :param tuple model_args: dynamic arguments to the model.
        :param tuple guide_args: dynamic arguments to the guide.
        :return: tuple of `(svi_state, loss)`.
        rng, rng_seed = random.split(svi_state.rng)
        model_init, guide_init = _seed(model, guide, rng_seed)
        params = optim.get_params(svi_state.optim_state)
        loss_val, grads = value_and_grad(
            lambda x: loss(constrain_fn(x), model_init, guide_init, model_args, guide_args, kwargs))(params)
        optim_state = optim.update(grads, svi_state.optim_state)
        return SVIState(optim_state, rng), loss_val

    def evaluate(svi_state, model_args=(), guide_args=()):
        Take a single step of SVI (possibly on a batch / minibatch of data).

        :param svi_state: current state of SVI.
        :param tuple model_args: arguments to the model (these can possibly vary during
            the course of fitting).
        :param tuple guide_args: arguments to the guide (these can possibly vary during
            the course of fitting).
        :return: evaluate ELBo loss given the current parameter values
            (held within `svi_state.optim_state`).
        # we split to have the same seed as `update_fn` given an svi_state
        _, rng_seed = random.split(svi_state.rng)
        model_init, guide_init = _seed(model, guide, rng_seed)
        params = get_params(svi_state)
        return loss(params, model_init, guide_init, model_args, guide_args, kwargs)

    # Make local functions visible from the global scope once
    # `svi` is called for sphinx doc generation.
    if 'SPHINX_BUILD' in os.environ:
        svi.init_fn = init_fn
        svi.update_fn = update_fn
        svi.evaluate = evaluate

    return init_fn, update_fn, evaluate

[docs]def elbo(param_map, model, guide, model_args, guide_args, kwargs): """ This is the most basic implementation of the Evidence Lower Bound, which is the fundamental objective in Variational Inference. This implementation has various limitations (for example it only supports random variables with reparameterized samplers) but can be used as a template to build more sophisticated loss objectives. For more details, refer to :param dict param_map: dictionary of current parameter values keyed by site name. :param model: Python callable with Pyro primitives for the model. :param guide: Python callable with Pyro primitives for the guide (recognition network). :param tuple model_args: arguments to the model (these can possibly vary during the course of fitting). :param tuple guide_args: arguments to the guide (these can possibly vary during the course of fitting). :param dict kwargs: static keyword arguments to the model / guide. :return: negative of the Evidence Lower Bound (ELBo) to be minimized. """ guide_log_density, guide_trace = log_density(guide, guide_args, kwargs, param_map) if isinstance(guide.__wrapped__, AutoContinuous): # first, we substitute `param_map` to `param` primitives of `model` model = substitute(model, param_map) # then creates a new `param_map` which holds base values of `sample` primitives base_param_map = {} # in autoguide, a site's value holds intermediate value for name, site in guide_trace.items(): if site['type'] == 'sample': base_param_map[name] = site['value'] model_log_density, _ = log_density(model, model_args, kwargs, base_param_map, skip_dist_transforms=True) else: # NB: we only want to substitute params not available in guide_trace param_map = {k: v for k, v in param_map.items() if k not in guide_trace} model = replay(model, guide_trace) model_log_density, _ = log_density(model, model_args, kwargs, param_map) # log p(z) - log q(z) elbo = model_log_density - guide_log_density # Return (-elbo) since by convention we do gradient descent on a loss and # the ELBO is a lower bound that needs to be maximized. return -elbo
# ========= Higher Level API ========= #
[docs]class SVI(object): """ Stochastic Variational Inference given an ELBo loss objective. :param model: Python callable with Pyro primitives for the model. :param guide: Python callable with Pyro primitives for the guide (recognition network). :param loss: ELBo loss, i.e. negative Evidence Lower Bound, to minimize. :param optim: an instance of :class:`~numpyro.optim._NumpyroOptim`. :param `**kwargs`: static arguments for the model / guide, i.e. arguments that remain constant during fitting. :return: tuple of `(init_fn, update_fn, evaluate)`. """ def __init__(self, model, guide, loss, optim, **kwargs): self.model = model = guide self.loss = loss self.optim = optim self.kwargs = kwargs self.constrain_fn = None
[docs] def init(self, rng, model_args=(), guide_args=()): """ :param jax.random.PRNGKey rng: random number generator seed. :param tuple model_args: arguments to the model (these can possibly vary during the course of fitting). :param tuple guide_args: arguments to the guide (these can possibly vary during the course of fitting). :return: tuple containing initial :data:`SVIState`, and `get_params`, a callable that transforms unconstrained parameter values from the optimizer to the specified constrained domain """ assert isinstance(model_args, tuple) assert isinstance(guide_args, tuple) rng, rng_seed = random.split(rng) model_init, guide_init = _seed(self.model,, rng_seed) guide_trace = trace(guide_init).get_trace(*guide_args, **self.kwargs) model_trace = trace(model_init).get_trace(*model_args, **self.kwargs) params = {} inv_transforms = {} # NB: params in model_trace will be overwritten by params in guide_trace for site in list(model_trace.values()) + list(guide_trace.values()): if site['type'] == 'param': constraint = site['kwargs'].pop('constraint', constraints.real) transform = biject_to(constraint) inv_transforms[site['name']] = transform params[site['name']] = transform.inv(site['value']) self.constrain_fn = jax.partial(transform_fn, inv_transforms) return SVIState(self.optim.init(params), rng)
[docs] def get_params(self, svi_state): """ Gets values at `param` sites of the `model` and `guide`. :param svi_state: current state of the optimizer. """ params = self.constrain_fn(self.optim.get_params(svi_state.optim_state)) return params
[docs] def update(self, svi_state, model_args=(), guide_args=()): """ Take a single step of SVI (possibly on a batch / minibatch of data), using the optimizer. :param svi_state: current state of SVI. :param tuple model_args: dynamic arguments to the model. :param tuple guide_args: dynamic arguments to the guide. :return: tuple of `(svi_state, loss)`. """ rng, rng_seed = random.split(svi_state.rng) model_init, guide_init = _seed(self.model,, rng_seed) params = self.optim.get_params(svi_state.optim_state) loss_val, grads = value_and_grad( lambda x: self.loss(self.constrain_fn(x), model_init, guide_init, model_args, guide_args, self.kwargs))(params) optim_state = self.optim.update(grads, svi_state.optim_state) return SVIState(optim_state, rng), loss_val
[docs] def evaluate(self, svi_state, model_args=(), guide_args=()): """ Take a single step of SVI (possibly on a batch / minibatch of data). :param svi_state: current state of SVI. :param tuple model_args: arguments to the model (these can possibly vary during the course of fitting). :param tuple guide_args: arguments to the guide (these can possibly vary during the course of fitting). :return: evaluate ELBo loss given the current parameter values (held within `svi_state.optim_state`). """ # we split to have the same seed as `update_fn` given an svi_state _, rng_seed = random.split(svi_state.rng) model_init, guide_init = _seed(self.model,, rng_seed) params = self.get_params(svi_state) return self.loss(params, model_init, guide_init, model_args, guide_args, self.kwargs)