Source code for numpyro.mcmc

import math
import os
from collections import namedtuple

import tqdm

import jax.numpy as np
from jax import jit, partial, random
from jax.flatten_util import ravel_pytree
from jax.random import PRNGKey
from jax.tree_util import register_pytree_node

from numpyro.diagnostics import summary
from numpyro.hmc_util import IntegratorState, build_tree, find_reasonable_step_size, velocity_verlet, warmup_adapter
from numpyro.util import cond, fori_collect, fori_loop, identity

HMCState = namedtuple('HMCState', ['i', 'z', 'z_grad', 'potential_energy', 'num_steps', 'accept_prob',
                                   'mean_accept_prob', 'step_size', 'inverse_mass_matrix', 'mass_matrix_sqrt',
A :func:`~collections.namedtuple` consisting of the following fields:

 - **i** - iteration. This is reset to 0 after warmup.
 - **z** - Python collection representing values (unconstrained samples from
   the posterior) at latent sites.
 - **z_grad** - Gradient of potential energy w.r.t. latent sample sites.
 - **potential_energy** - Potential energy computed at the given value of ``z``.
 - **num_steps** - Number of steps in the Hamiltonian trajectory (for diagnostics).
 - **accept_prob** - Acceptance probability of the proposal. Note that ``z``
   does not correspond to the proposal if it is rejected.
 - **mean_accept_prob** - Mean acceptance probability until current iteration
   during warmup adaptation or sampling (for diagnostics).
 - **step_size** - Step size to be used by the integrator in the next iteration.
   This is adapted during warmup.
 - **inverse_mass_matrix** - The inverse mass matrix to be be used for the next
   iteration. This is adapted during warmup.
 - **rng** - random number generator seed used for the iteration.

    lambda xs: (tuple(xs), None),
    lambda _, xs: HMCState(*xs)

HMCState.update = HMCState._replace

def _get_num_steps(step_size, trajectory_length):
    num_steps = np.clip(trajectory_length / step_size, a_min=1)
    # NB: casting to np.int64 does not take effect (returns np.int32 instead)
    # if jax_enable_x64 is False
    return num_steps.astype(np.int64)

def _sample_momentum(unpack_fn, mass_matrix_sqrt, rng):
    eps = random.normal(rng, np.shape(mass_matrix_sqrt)[:1])
    if mass_matrix_sqrt.ndim == 1:
        r = np.multiply(mass_matrix_sqrt, eps)
        return unpack_fn(r)
    elif mass_matrix_sqrt.ndim == 2:
        r =, eps)
        return unpack_fn(r)
        raise ValueError("Mass matrix has incorrect number of dims.")

def _euclidean_ke(inverse_mass_matrix, r):
    r, _ = ravel_pytree(r)

    if inverse_mass_matrix.ndim == 2:
        v = np.matmul(inverse_mass_matrix, r)
    elif inverse_mass_matrix.ndim == 1:
        v = np.multiply(inverse_mass_matrix, r)

    return 0.5 *, r)

def get_diagnostics_str(hmc_state):
    return '{} steps of size {:.2e}. acc. prob={:.2f}'.format(hmc_state.num_steps,

[docs]def hmc(potential_fn, kinetic_fn=None, algo='NUTS'): r""" Hamiltonian Monte Carlo inference, using either fixed number of steps or the No U-Turn Sampler (NUTS) with adaptive path length. **References:** 1. *MCMC Using Hamiltonian Dynamics*, Radford M. Neal 2. *The No-U-turn sampler: adaptively setting path lengths in Hamiltonian Monte Carlo*, Matthew D. Hoffman, and Andrew Gelman. 3. *A Conceptual Introduction to Hamiltonian Monte Carlo`*, Michael Betancourt :param potential_fn: Python callable that computes the potential energy given input parameters. The input parameters to `potential_fn` can be any python collection type, provided that `init_params` argument to `init_kernel` has the same type. :param kinetic_fn: Python callable that returns the kinetic energy given inverse mass matrix and momentum. If not provided, the default is euclidean kinetic energy. :param str algo: Whether to run ``HMC`` with fixed number of steps or ``NUTS`` with adaptive path length. Default is ``NUTS``. :return: a tuple of callables (`init_kernel`, `sample_kernel`), the first one to initialize the sampler, and the second one to generate samples given an existing one. **Example** .. testsetup:: import jax from jax import random import jax.numpy as np import numpyro.distributions as dist from numpyro.handlers import sample from numpyro.hmc_util import initialize_model from numpyro.mcmc import hmc from numpyro.util import fori_collect .. doctest:: >>> true_coefs = np.array([1., 2., 3.]) >>> data = random.normal(random.PRNGKey(2), (2000, 3)) >>> dim = 3 >>> labels = dist.Bernoulli(logits=(true_coefs * data).sum(-1)).sample(random.PRNGKey(3)) >>> >>> def model(data, labels): ... coefs_mean = np.zeros(dim) ... coefs = sample('beta', dist.Normal(coefs_mean, np.ones(3))) ... intercept = sample('intercept', dist.Normal(0., 10.)) ... return sample('y', dist.Bernoulli(logits=(coefs * data + intercept).sum(-1)), obs=labels) >>> >>> init_params, potential_fn, constrain_fn = initialize_model(random.PRNGKey(0), ... model, data, labels) >>> init_kernel, sample_kernel = hmc(potential_fn, algo='NUTS') >>> hmc_state = init_kernel(init_params, ... trajectory_length=10, ... num_warmup=300) >>> samples = fori_collect(500, sample_kernel, hmc_state, ... transform=lambda state: constrain_fn(state.z)) >>> print(np.mean(samples['beta'], axis=0)) # doctest: +SKIP [0.9153987 2.0754058 2.9621222] """ if kinetic_fn is None: kinetic_fn = _euclidean_ke vv_init, vv_update = velocity_verlet(potential_fn, kinetic_fn) trajectory_len = None max_treedepth = None momentum_generator = None wa_update = None if algo not in {'HMC', 'NUTS'}: raise ValueError('`algo` must be one of `HMC` or `NUTS`.') def init_kernel(init_params, num_warmup, step_size=1.0, adapt_step_size=True, adapt_mass_matrix=True, dense_mass=False, target_accept_prob=0.8, trajectory_length=2*math.pi, max_tree_depth=10, run_warmup=True, progbar=True, rng=PRNGKey(0)): """ Initializes the HMC sampler. :param init_params: Initial parameters to begin sampling. The type must be consistent with the input type to `potential_fn`. :param int num_warmup_steps: Number of warmup steps; samples generated during warmup are discarded. :param float step_size: Determines the size of a single step taken by the verlet integrator while computing the trajectory using Hamiltonian dynamics. If not specified, it will be set to 1. :param bool adapt_step_size: A flag to decide if we want to adapt step_size during warm-up phase using Dual Averaging scheme. :param bool adapt_mass_matrix: A flag to decide if we want to adapt mass matrix during warm-up phase using Welford scheme. :param bool dense_mass: A flag to decide if mass matrix is dense or diagonal (default when ``dense_mass=False``) :param float target_accept_prob: Target acceptance probability for step size adaptation using Dual Averaging. Increasing this value will lead to a smaller step size, hence the sampling will be slower but more robust. Default to 0.8. :param float trajectory_length: Length of a MCMC trajectory for HMC. Default value is :math:`2\\pi`. :param int max_tree_depth: Max depth of the binary tree created during the doubling scheme of NUTS sampler. Defaults to 10. :param bool run_warmup: Flag to decide whether warmup is run. If ``True``, `init_kernel` returns an initial :data:`HMCState` that can be used to generate samples using MCMC. Else, returns the arguments and callable that does the initial adaptation. :param bool progbar: Whether to enable progress bar updates. Defaults to ``True``. :param bool heuristic_step_size: If ``True``, a coarse grained adjustment of step size is done at the beginning of each adaptation window to achieve `target_acceptance_prob`. :param jax.random.PRNGKey rng: random key to be used as the source of randomness. """ step_size = float(step_size) nonlocal momentum_generator, wa_update, trajectory_len, max_treedepth trajectory_len = float(trajectory_length) max_treedepth = max_tree_depth z = init_params z_flat, unravel_fn = ravel_pytree(z) momentum_generator = partial(_sample_momentum, unravel_fn) find_reasonable_ss = partial(find_reasonable_step_size, potential_fn, kinetic_fn, momentum_generator) wa_init, wa_update = warmup_adapter(num_warmup, adapt_step_size=adapt_step_size, adapt_mass_matrix=adapt_mass_matrix, dense_mass=dense_mass, target_accept_prob=target_accept_prob, find_reasonable_step_size=find_reasonable_ss) rng_hmc, rng_wa = random.split(rng) wa_state = wa_init(z, rng_wa, step_size, mass_matrix_size=np.size(z_flat)) r = momentum_generator(wa_state.mass_matrix_sqrt, rng) vv_state = vv_init(z, r) hmc_state = HMCState(0, vv_state.z, vv_state.z_grad, vv_state.potential_energy, 0, 0., 0., wa_state.step_size, wa_state.inverse_mass_matrix, wa_state.mass_matrix_sqrt, rng_hmc) wa_update = jit(wa_update) if run_warmup: # JIT if progress bar updates not required if not progbar: hmc_state, _ = jit(fori_loop, static_argnums=(2,))(0, num_warmup, warmup_update, (hmc_state, wa_state)) else: with tqdm.trange(num_warmup, desc='warmup') as t: for i in t: hmc_state, wa_state = warmup_update(i, (hmc_state, wa_state)) # TODO: set refresh=True when its performance issue is resolved t.set_postfix_str(get_diagnostics_str(hmc_state), refresh=False) # Reset `i` and `mean_accept_prob` for fresh diagnostics. hmc_state.update(i=0, mean_accept_prob=0) return hmc_state else: return hmc_state, wa_state, warmup_update def warmup_update(t, states): hmc_state, wa_state = states hmc_state = sample_kernel(hmc_state) wa_state = wa_update(t, hmc_state.accept_prob, hmc_state.z, wa_state) hmc_state = hmc_state.update(step_size=wa_state.step_size, inverse_mass_matrix=wa_state.inverse_mass_matrix, mass_matrix_sqrt=wa_state.mass_matrix_sqrt) return hmc_state, wa_state def _hmc_next(step_size, inverse_mass_matrix, vv_state, rng): num_steps = _get_num_steps(step_size, trajectory_len) vv_state_new = fori_loop(0, num_steps, lambda i, val: vv_update(step_size, inverse_mass_matrix, val), vv_state) energy_old = vv_state.potential_energy + kinetic_fn(inverse_mass_matrix, vv_state.r) energy_new = vv_state_new.potential_energy + kinetic_fn(inverse_mass_matrix, vv_state_new.r) delta_energy = energy_new - energy_old delta_energy = np.where(np.isnan(delta_energy), np.inf, delta_energy) accept_prob = np.clip(np.exp(-delta_energy), a_max=1.0) transition = random.bernoulli(rng, accept_prob) vv_state = cond(transition, vv_state_new, lambda state: state, vv_state, lambda state: state) return vv_state, num_steps, accept_prob def _nuts_next(step_size, inverse_mass_matrix, vv_state, rng): binary_tree = build_tree(vv_update, kinetic_fn, vv_state, inverse_mass_matrix, step_size, rng, max_tree_depth=max_treedepth) accept_prob = binary_tree.sum_accept_probs / binary_tree.num_proposals num_steps = binary_tree.num_proposals vv_state = vv_state.update(z=binary_tree.z_proposal, potential_energy=binary_tree.z_proposal_pe, z_grad=binary_tree.z_proposal_grad) return vv_state, num_steps, accept_prob _next = _nuts_next if algo == 'NUTS' else _hmc_next @jit def sample_kernel(hmc_state): """ Given an existing :data:`HMCState`, run HMC with fixed (possibly adapted) step size and return a new :data:`HMCState`. :param hmc_state: Current sample (and associated state). :return: new proposed :data:`HMCState` from simulating Hamiltonian dynamics given existing state. """ rng, rng_momentum, rng_transition = random.split(hmc_state.rng, 3) r = momentum_generator(hmc_state.mass_matrix_sqrt, rng_momentum) vv_state = IntegratorState(hmc_state.z, r, hmc_state.potential_energy, hmc_state.z_grad) vv_state, num_steps, accept_prob = _next(hmc_state.step_size, hmc_state.inverse_mass_matrix, vv_state, rng_transition) itr = hmc_state.i + 1 mean_accept_prob = hmc_state.mean_accept_prob + (accept_prob - hmc_state.mean_accept_prob) / itr return HMCState(itr, vv_state.z, vv_state.z_grad, vv_state.potential_energy, num_steps, accept_prob, mean_accept_prob, hmc_state.step_size, hmc_state.inverse_mass_matrix, hmc_state.mass_matrix_sqrt, rng) # Make `init_kernel` and `sample_kernel` visible from the global scope once # `hmc` is called for sphinx doc generation. if 'SPHINX_BUILD' in os.environ: hmc.init_kernel = init_kernel hmc.sample_kernel = sample_kernel return init_kernel, sample_kernel
[docs]def mcmc(num_warmup, num_samples, init_params, sampler='hmc', constrain_fn=None, print_summary=True, **sampler_kwargs): """ Convenience wrapper for MCMC samplers -- runs warmup, prints diagnostic summary and returns a collections of samples from the posterior. :param num_warmup: Number of warmup steps. :param num_samples: Number of samples to generate from the Markov chain. :param init_params: Initial parameters to begin sampling. The type can must be consistent with the input type to `potential_fn`. :param sampler: currently, only `hmc` is implemented (default). :param constrain_fn: Callable that converts a collection of unconstrained sample values returned from the sampler to constrained values that lie within the support of the sample sites. :param print_summary: Whether to print diagnostics summary for each sample site. Default is ``True``. :param `**sampler_kwargs`: Sampler specific keyword arguments. - *HMC*: Refer to :func:`~numpyro.mcmc.hmc` and :func:`~numpyro.mcmc.hmc.init_kernel` for accepted arguments. Note that all arguments must be provided as keywords. :return: collection of samples from the posterior. .. testsetup:: import jax from jax import random import jax.numpy as np import numpyro.distributions as dist from numpyro.handlers import sample from numpyro.hmc_util import initialize_model from numpyro.mcmc import hmc from numpyro.util import fori_collect .. doctest:: >>> true_coefs = np.array([1., 2., 3.]) >>> data = random.normal(random.PRNGKey(2), (2000, 3)) >>> dim = 3 >>> labels = dist.Bernoulli(logits=(true_coefs * data).sum(-1)).sample(random.PRNGKey(3)) >>> >>> def model(data, labels): ... coefs_mean = np.zeros(dim) ... coefs = sample('beta', dist.Normal(coefs_mean, np.ones(3))) ... intercept = sample('intercept', dist.Normal(0., 10.)) ... return sample('y', dist.Bernoulli(logits=(coefs * data + intercept).sum(-1)), obs=labels) >>> >>> init_params, potential_fn, constrain_fn = initialize_model(random.PRNGKey(0), model, ... data, labels) >>> num_warmup, num_samples = 1000, 1000 >>> samples = mcmc(num_warmup, num_samples, init_params, ... potential_fn=potential_fn, ... constrain_fn=constrain_fn) # doctest: +SKIP warmup: 100%|██████████| 1000/1000 [00:09<00:00, 109.40it/s, 1 steps of size 5.83e-01. acc. prob=0.79] sample: 100%|██████████| 1000/1000 [00:00<00:00, 1252.39it/s, 1 steps of size 5.83e-01. acc. prob=0.85] mean sd 5.5% 94.5% n_eff Rhat coefs[0] 0.96 0.07 0.85 1.07 455.35 1.01 coefs[1] 2.05 0.09 1.91 2.20 332.00 1.01 coefs[2] 3.18 0.13 2.96 3.37 320.27 1.00 intercept -0.03 0.02 -0.06 0.00 402.53 1.00 """ if sampler == 'hmc': if constrain_fn is None: constrain_fn = identity potential_fn = sampler_kwargs.pop('potential_fn') kinetic_fn = sampler_kwargs.pop('kinetic_fn', None) algo = sampler_kwargs.pop('algo', 'NUTS') progbar = sampler_kwargs.pop('progbar', True) init_kernel, sample_kernel = hmc(potential_fn, kinetic_fn, algo) hmc_state = init_kernel(init_params, num_warmup, progbar=progbar, **sampler_kwargs) samples = fori_collect(num_samples, sample_kernel, hmc_state, transform=lambda x: constrain_fn(x.z), progbar=progbar, diagnostics_fn=get_diagnostics_str, progbar_desc='sample') if print_summary: summary(samples) return samples else: raise ValueError('sampler: {} not recognized'.format(sampler))