Source code for numpyro.util

from collections import namedtuple
from contextlib import contextmanager
import random

import numpy as onp
import tqdm

from jax import jit, lax, ops, vmap
from jax.lib.xla_bridge import canonicalize_dtype
import jax.numpy as np
from jax.tree_util import tree_flatten, tree_map, tree_unflatten


def set_rng_seed(rng_seed):

def optional(condition, context_manager):
    Optionally wrap inside `context_manager` if condition is `True`.
    if condition:
        with context_manager:

def control_flow_prims_disabled():
    stored_flag = _DISABLE_CONTROL_FLOW_PRIM
        _DISABLE_CONTROL_FLOW_PRIM = stored_flag

def cond(pred, true_operand, true_fun, false_operand, false_fun):
        if pred:
            return true_fun(true_operand)
            return false_fun(false_operand)
        return lax.cond(pred, true_operand, true_fun, false_operand, false_fun)

def while_loop(cond_fun, body_fun, init_val):
        val = init_val
        while cond_fun(val):
            val = body_fun(val)
        return val
        return lax.while_loop(cond_fun, body_fun, init_val)

def fori_loop(lower, upper, body_fun, init_val):
        val = init_val
        for i in range(int(lower), int(upper)):
            val = body_fun(i, val)
        return val
        return lax.fori_loop(lower, upper, body_fun, init_val)

def identity(x):
    return x

[docs]def fori_collect(lower, upper, body_fun, init_val, transform=identity, progbar=True, **progbar_opts): """ This looping construct works like :func:`~jax.lax.fori_loop` but with the additional effect of collecting values from the loop body. In addition, this allows for post-processing of these samples via `transform`, and progress bar updates. Note that, `progbar=False` will be faster, especially when collecting a lot of samples. Refer to example usage in :func:`~numpyro.mcmc.hmc`. :param int lower: the index to start the collective work. In other words, we will skip collecting the first `lower` values. :param int upper: number of times to run the loop body. :param body_fun: a callable that takes a collection of `np.ndarray` and returns a collection with the same shape and `dtype`. :param init_val: initial value to pass as argument to `body_fun`. Can be any Python collection type containing `np.ndarray` objects. :param transform: a callable to post-process the values returned by `body_fn`. :param progbar: whether to post progress bar updates. :param `**progbar_opts`: optional additional progress bar arguments. A `diagnostics_fn` can be supplied which when passed the current value from `body_fun` returns a string that is used to update the progress bar postfix. Also a `progbar_desc` keyword argument can be supplied which is used to label the progress bar. :return: collection with the same type as `init_val` with values collected along the leading axis of `np.ndarray` objects. """ assert lower < upper init_val_flat, unravel_fn = ravel_pytree(transform(init_val)) ravel_fn = lambda x: ravel_pytree(transform(x))[0] # noqa: E731 if not progbar: collection = np.zeros((upper - lower,) + init_val_flat.shape) def _body_fn(i, vals): val, collection = vals val = body_fun(val) i = np.where(i >= lower, i - lower, 0) collection = ops.index_update(collection, i, ravel_fn(val)) return val, collection _, collection = fori_loop(0, upper, _body_fn, (init_val, collection)) else: diagnostics_fn = progbar_opts.pop('diagnostics_fn', None) progbar_desc = progbar_opts.pop('progbar_desc', lambda x: '') collection = [] val = init_val with tqdm.trange(upper) as t: for i in t: val = body_fun(val) if i >= lower: collection.append(jit(ravel_fn)(val)) t.set_description(progbar_desc(val), refresh=False) if diagnostics_fn: t.set_postfix_str(diagnostics_fn(val), refresh=False) collection = np.stack(collection) return vmap(unravel_fn)(collection)
def copy_docs_from(source_class, full_text=False): """ Decorator to copy class and method docs from source to destin class. """ def decorator(destin_class): # This works only in python 3.3+: # if not destin_class.__doc__: # destin_class.__doc__ = source_class.__doc__ for name in dir(destin_class): if name.startswith('_'): continue destin_attr = getattr(destin_class, name) destin_attr = getattr(destin_attr, '__func__', destin_attr) source_attr = getattr(source_class, name, None) source_doc = getattr(source_attr, '__doc__', None) if source_doc and not getattr(destin_attr, '__doc__', None): if full_text or source_doc.startswith('See '): destin_doc = source_doc else: destin_doc = 'See :meth:`{}.{}.{}`'.format( source_class.__module__, source_class.__name__, name) if isinstance(destin_attr, property): # Set docs for object properties. # Since __doc__ is read-only, we need to reset the property # with the updated doc. updated_property = property(destin_attr.fget, destin_attr.fset, destin_attr.fdel, destin_doc) setattr(destin_class, name, updated_property) else: destin_attr.__doc__ = destin_doc return destin_class return decorator pytree_metadata = namedtuple('pytree_metadata', ['flat', 'shape', 'size', 'dtype']) def _ravel_list(*leaves): leaves_metadata = tree_map(lambda l: pytree_metadata( np.ravel(l), np.shape(l), np.size(l), canonicalize_dtype(lax.dtype(l))), leaves) leaves_idx = np.cumsum(np.array((0,) + tuple(d.size for d in leaves_metadata))) def unravel_list(arr): return [np.reshape(lax.dynamic_slice_in_dim(arr, leaves_idx[i], m.size), m.shape).astype(m.dtype) for i, m in enumerate(leaves_metadata)] return np.concatenate([m.flat for m in leaves_metadata]), unravel_list def ravel_pytree(pytree): leaves, treedef = tree_flatten(pytree) flat, unravel_list = _ravel_list(*leaves) def unravel_pytree(arr): return tree_unflatten(treedef, unravel_list(arr)) return flat, unravel_pytree