Source code for numpyro.infer.svi

# Copyright Contributors to the Pyro project.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

from functools import namedtuple, partial

from jax import random, value_and_grad

from numpyro.distributions import constraints
from numpyro.distributions.transforms import biject_to
from numpyro.handlers import replay, seed, trace
from numpyro.infer.util import transform_fn

SVIState = namedtuple('SVIState', ['optim_state', 'rng_key'])
A :func:`~collections.namedtuple` consisting of the following fields:
 - **optim_state** - current optimizer's state.
 - **rng_key** - random number generator seed used for the iteration.

[docs]class SVI(object): """ Stochastic Variational Inference given an ELBO loss objective. **References** 1. *SVI Part I: An Introduction to Stochastic Variational Inference in Pyro*, ( **Example:** .. doctest:: >>> from jax import lax, random >>> import jax.numpy as jnp >>> import numpyro >>> import numpyro.distributions as dist >>> from numpyro.distributions import constraints >>> from numpyro.infer import SVI, ELBO >>> def model(data): ... f = numpyro.sample("latent_fairness", dist.Beta(10, 10)) ... with numpyro.plate("N", data.shape[0]): ... numpyro.sample("obs", dist.Bernoulli(f), obs=data) >>> def guide(data): ... alpha_q = numpyro.param("alpha_q", 15., constraint=constraints.positive) ... beta_q = numpyro.param("beta_q", 15., constraint=constraints.positive) ... numpyro.sample("latent_fairness", dist.Beta(alpha_q, beta_q)) >>> data = jnp.concatenate([jnp.ones(6), jnp.zeros(4)]) >>> optimizer = numpyro.optim.Adam(step_size=0.0005) >>> svi = SVI(model, guide, optimizer, loss=ELBO()) >>> init_state = svi.init(random.PRNGKey(0), data) >>> state = lax.fori_loop(0, 2000, lambda i, state: svi.update(state, data)[0], init_state) >>> # or to collect losses during the loop >>> # state, losses = lax.scan(lambda state, i: svi.update(state, data), init_state, jnp.arange(2000)) >>> params = svi.get_params(state) >>> inferred_mean = params["alpha_q"] / (params["alpha_q"] + params["beta_q"]) :param model: Python callable with Pyro primitives for the model. :param guide: Python callable with Pyro primitives for the guide (recognition network). :param optim: an instance of :class:`~numpyro.optim._NumpyroOptim`. :param loss: ELBO loss, i.e. negative Evidence Lower Bound, to minimize. :param static_kwargs: static arguments for the model / guide, i.e. arguments that remain constant during fitting. :return: tuple of `(init_fn, update_fn, evaluate)`. """ def __init__(self, model, guide, optim, loss, **static_kwargs): self.model = model = guide self.loss = loss self.optim = optim self.static_kwargs = static_kwargs self.constrain_fn = None
[docs] def init(self, rng_key, *args, **kwargs): """ :param jax.random.PRNGKey rng_key: random number generator seed. :param args: arguments to the model / guide (these can possibly vary during the course of fitting). :param kwargs: keyword arguments to the model / guide (these can possibly vary during the course of fitting). :return: tuple containing initial :data:`SVIState`, and `get_params`, a callable that transforms unconstrained parameter values from the optimizer to the specified constrained domain """ rng_key, model_seed, guide_seed = random.split(rng_key, 3) model_init = seed(self.model, model_seed) guide_init = seed(, guide_seed) guide_trace = trace(guide_init).get_trace(*args, **kwargs, **self.static_kwargs) model_trace = trace(replay(model_init, guide_trace)).get_trace(*args, **kwargs, **self.static_kwargs) params = {} inv_transforms = {} # NB: params in model_trace will be overwritten by params in guide_trace for site in list(model_trace.values()) + list(guide_trace.values()): if site['type'] == 'param': constraint = site['kwargs'].pop('constraint', constraints.real) transform = biject_to(constraint) inv_transforms[site['name']] = transform params[site['name']] = transform.inv(site['value']) self.constrain_fn = partial(transform_fn, inv_transforms) return SVIState(self.optim.init(params), rng_key)
[docs] def get_params(self, svi_state): """ Gets values at `param` sites of the `model` and `guide`. :param svi_state: current state of the optimizer. """ params = self.constrain_fn(self.optim.get_params(svi_state.optim_state)) return params
[docs] def update(self, svi_state, *args, **kwargs): """ Take a single step of SVI (possibly on a batch / minibatch of data), using the optimizer. :param svi_state: current state of SVI. :param args: arguments to the model / guide (these can possibly vary during the course of fitting). :param kwargs: keyword arguments to the model / guide (these can possibly vary during the course of fitting). :return: tuple of `(svi_state, loss)`. """ rng_key, rng_key_step = random.split(svi_state.rng_key) params = self.optim.get_params(svi_state.optim_state) loss_val, grads = value_and_grad( lambda x: self.loss.loss(rng_key_step, self.constrain_fn(x), self.model,, *args, **kwargs, **self.static_kwargs))(params) optim_state = self.optim.update(grads, svi_state.optim_state) return SVIState(optim_state, rng_key), loss_val
[docs] def evaluate(self, svi_state, *args, **kwargs): """ Take a single step of SVI (possibly on a batch / minibatch of data). :param svi_state: current state of SVI. :param args: arguments to the model / guide (these can possibly vary during the course of fitting). :param kwargs: keyword arguments to the model / guide. :return: evaluate ELBO loss given the current parameter values (held within `svi_state.optim_state`). """ # we split to have the same seed as `update_fn` given an svi_state _, rng_key_eval = random.split(svi_state.rng_key) params = self.get_params(svi_state) return self.loss.loss(rng_key_eval, params, self.model,, *args, **kwargs, **self.static_kwargs)